Take control of your family's future with real estate!
With a volatile stock market, the Fed Funds rate near zero, and inflation the highest since 1982, are you looking for a long-lasting, solid investment with high returns? Look no further than real estate!

Weathering the economic storm is easier said than done, but there are opportunities to be had for those who know where to look. Even if you’re living paycheck to paycheck.

The constant worrying about budget restrictions and a disappearing 401(k) will only add more stress to your life. But when you develop a wealth mindset, you'll be able to take advantage of opportunities and create your own financial security.

If you're looking for a pathway to get started with your first *nerve-racking* real estate investment, this is the course for you!

The war on the middle class is real.

Wages have stagnated while the cost of living has gone through the roof.

Out-of-control inflation and a decaying dollar…you’re getting poorer every day!

The middle class is being squeezed like never before.

But there is a way to fight back and win. And that way is through real estate investing.
New to Investing? Then, Let Us Help You Get Started
The process can seem overwhelming and complicated if you're new to investing. But it doesn't have to be!
We're not real estate gurus. We're just like you. We're regular people who took the plunge into real estate investing, and we want to share what we've learned so you can do it too!

School loans, car payments, babies - there are a million things competing for our attention and our money. It's tough enough to keep up with life, let alone try to get ahead financially. But we're doing it, and we want to show you how you can too.

You may feel like you don't have two pennies to rub together, but we're here to tell you that real estate investing is possible - no matter your financial situation.

$250,000 in student loan debt didn't stop us from achieving our real estate dreams, and it doesn't have to stop you, either!

It was the best decision for our family!

In 18 months, we acquired three investment properties grossing over $4,000 per month in passive income. Since then, the market value of our properties has continued to rise, causing our net worth to cross the MILLION-DOLLAR mark.

We don't have special "credentials" to qualify us to teach this course - we're just an average couple beginning to live the money story most people want to have. And our story started in 2020 when the whole world was turned upside down!

Will you let us help you start building wealth for you and your family? It all starts with your decision. Your tomorrow begins today! 

We acquired three properties in 18 months...
Purchased July 2019
Purchased Dec. 2019
Purchased Sept. 2020

"I realized that this type of real estate investing was a much better strategy for me to build assets that produce cash flow"

"They opened my eyes to out-of-state investing. I realized that this type of real estate investing was a much better strategy for me to build assets that produce cash flow, which I'm now using to save for a down payment on my primary residence! " - Jaina P.

"Their course is perfect for anyone wanting to start their real estate journey"

"Their step-by-step guide was easy to follow in short videos that we could refer back to when needed. Their course is perfect for anyone wanting to start their real estate journey." - Leo & Gene D.

Module 1: Get in the Investor Mindset
Knowing what makes you tick as an investor is essential to success. In this module, you'll learn how to create a wealth mindset by using specific tools and techniques that will get you on the right track.

How To Get The Most Out of This Course

Your Resource Library

The Right Mindset

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Module 2: Build a Rock Star Team
No one succeeds alone in real estate investing. You need to build relationships with professionals that will help make your investment journey a success. This module will teach you how to find and vet the right people for your team, as well as provide tips on how to form strong partnerships.

Setting Up Goals and Coming Up With a Plan

A Sample Plan in Action

The Most Powerful Thing in Real Estate

Building Your Rock Star Team

What You Know vs. Who You Know

Module 3: How to Analyze a Deal
Real estate is all about analyzing the numbers. In this module, you'll learn how to crunch the numbers, evaluate deals, and use the Four Square Analysis System to make sound decisions and calculate your ROI.

The "Analysis Paralysis" Trap

Understand Your Target Market

How Much Rent Should I Charge?

What Is a Good ROI?

Four Square Analysis + Case Studies

Module 4: Creating a Deal Funnel
Learning the basics of deal funnels is the key to building momentum. This module will teach you how to set up, manage and track your funnel so you can get deals closed quickly and efficiently.

Defining Your Search Criteria

How To Find Deals

Analyze The Deal Overview

Property Walk through & Inspection

Making an Offer & Winning a Bidding War

Module 5: Invest With Little Money
You don't need to be wealthy or have a large financial portfolio to get started in real estate investing. This module will teach you how to creatively finance your deals and invest with little money up-front.

How We Bought Our Property With "No Money"

How Much Do You Need

Part I: How to Invest With Little Money

Part II: How to Invest With Little Money

The Responsibility of this Special Method

Module 6: Scaling Your Real Estate Portfolio
Once you have a few deals under your belt, it's time to start scaling! In this module, you will learn strategies and tactics to grow your real estate portfolio so you can achieve financial freedom.

BRRRR Method Introduction

Breaking Down the BRRRR Method

Ways to Increase a Property's Value

BRRRR Analysis Tool

1031 Exchange Overview

Module 7: Screening Tenants
Effective tenant screening is essential to the cash flow your dreaming of. In this module, you will learn the best practices for tenant screening to ensure you get reliable tenants who pay rent on time.

Property Management vs. Self-Manage

Marketing Your Property for Rent

Rental Application Explained

Screening Tenants

Management & Screening Tools

Signing the Lease & Managing Tenants

Module 8: Putting It All Together
It's time to put it all together and start executing your real estate investing plan. This module will cover best practices to ensure you don't over leverage your investments and keep your portfolio healthy. We'll cover:

Credit Scores

Cash Reserves

Analysis Paralysis & more!

Enroll NOW and you'll also get these time-saving bonuses:

Easy-to-Use Investment Analysis Tools

Landlord Starter Pack

Small Business & Real Estate Expenses Worksheet

Property Inspection Checklist

Rock Star Real Estate Team Builder

Your Success Planner Worksheet

Bonus: Rent or Mortgage-Free Living: How Smart People Optimize Their Finances" eBook

Bonus: "Authentic Confessions of a Real Estate Investor" eBook

Let's Recap... Here's Everything You're Getting Today!
Now is the time to start investing in your future with real restate!

Easy-to-Use Investment Analysis Tools (Value $50)

Landlord Starter Pack (Value $10)

Small Business Expenses and Rental Income/Expenses Worksheets (Value $5)

Property Inspection Checklist (Value $5)

Rock Star Real Estate Team Builder ($7)

Your Success Planner Worksheet (Value $5)

BONUS: "Rent or Mortgage-Free Living: How Smart People Optimize Their Finances" eBook (Value $15)

BONUS: "Authentic Confessions of a Real Estate Investor" eBook (Value $9)

Join Today for ONLY
Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you decide if "Real Estate Investing With Little Money" is right for you?

  • Who is this course for?
    This course is for anyone looking to own their first investment property. Also, this course is for someone who owns only one property and wants to grow their portfolio efficiently.
  • Who is this course NOT for?
    This course is NOT for seasoned investors who own multiple properties or have been investing for years. They have a process that already works for them. Instead, this course will help anyone looking at how to get started in real estate.
  • Do I need any expensive software?
    Nope! Everything in the course can be accomplished using the free tools we provide in the course and public sources of data.
  • When do I get access to the program?
    Instantly! As soon as you purchase our course, you will immediately get access and start learning.
  • Do you have a refund policy?
    Absolutely! You have 30 days to finish our course and prove you've implemented all our techniques before receiving your full refund. For more details, check out our refund policy.
  • Do you have an affiliate program?
    Yes! As soon as you purchase, you'll be invited to earn 20% commissions on all referrals.
Who is "Real Estate Investing With Little Money" For?

If you're a BRAND NEW investor looking to acquire their FIRST investment property

If you're looking to generate passive income to supplement (or replace ) your day job...

If you are overwhelmed by all the information and want someone who can easily break it all down...

If you're afraid you don't have enough capital to start investing...

If you're living in or close to an expensive coastal city such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, or Washington D.C., you may think that breaking into real estate investing is impossible. But we're here to tell you that it's not!

The truth is, with careful planning and the principles we teach, you can do it too - no matter where you live or your financial situation.

We're not going to BS you - it's not going to be easy. But we promise it'll be worth it!
Are you the kind of person who...

Instinctively put the needs of others above your own

Have felt that there is more to success than money and fame

Takes incredible, imperfect action towards your goal

Has tried other programs and haven't found the results you seek

Desires a life of impact, freedom, and choice

Believes in yourself and others

If you've said "YES" To any of , then you are exactly who we live to serve inside our course.

It's time to say "YES" and join!
Get Instant Access By Signing up Below!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xInvest In Real Estate With Little Money$50

All prices in USD